Franchising with Align Right Realty
Align Right Today
For a Better Tomorrow
A Hybrid Real Estate Franchise;
Full Service with a 100% Twist
Franchising in 35 States
Message From our Founder & CEO

Message From our COO

Executive Team: Leadership Aligned Right
"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way," according to John Maxwell. In "The Outliers" Malcolm Gladwell says it takes 10,000 hours of intensive practice to master complex skills. But what and how you practice matters. Perfect practice makes perfect, imperfect practice makes frustration. The leaders of Align Right Realty have put in the hours of trial and error necessary to develop systems that work effectively. More importantly, our leaders have developed training and implementation systems to take that expert knowledge and pass it along to agents and brokerage owners or managers. When you practice a perfect process first, you get better results faster. Who better to lead you in your endeavor to own and grow a real estate business than an executive team who has mastered every facet of the real estate industry?
Save yourself some time, energy, & money with ARR's systems for:
- Personal Production
- Agent Training
- Broker Training
- Agent Recruitment
- Agent Retention
- Brokerage Administration
- Brokerage Management
- Brokerage Expansion
Technology Tools
We believe every Align Right Realty broker and agent should have access to the technology tools they need on a franchise wide basis. As a franchisor we provide the following technology tools to every broker and agent in our organization, and we pay for it as a franchisor. This creates a level playing field where access to necessary tools isn't limited by an agent's or a broker's current financial wherewithal. With access to necessary tools, agents and brokers are limited only by their drive and determination.
We provide our ARR Family with:
- Website for each agent and office, Lead Generating & Customizable
- Consumer Search App
- CRM with Mobile App
- DotLoop Transaction Manager
- Zipi Accounting Suite
- Paradym Social Media Manager
- Paradym Listing Marketing Suite
- Matterport 3D Tour Software
- Online Live Training Platform
- Online Training Video Library
- FSBO, Expired, Withdrawn, & Pre-foreclosure Leads
- Cole Realtor Resource
- Broker Metrics (Franchisee Access Only)
- Tech Dashboard to Easily Access All Tools
Franchisee Training
Many real estate professionals who decide to open their own offices do so with a strong background in business startup, growth, and management, but many don't. Wherever you fall in that spectrum, we've got you. Our new franchisee training covers every aspect of real estate brokerage, from getting open and setting up systems to recruiting and retaining agents. Our Franchisee training program includes the following components
Assimilation Procedures
- Opening a Brokerage
- Finding, Designing, & Furnishing Space
- Event Hosting Procedures
- Brokerage Systems
- Checklists & SOP's
- Staffing
- Administration Training & Oversight
- Technology Tools Onboarding
Rapid Results Recruiting
- Recruiting Campaigns for Every Purpose
- Scripts
- Objection Handling
- Tracking & Follow Up
The Interview Process
- How to present Align Right Realty.
- Objection Handling
- Closing
REACT Online Production Training (for agents and franchisees)
- Weekly Prospecting Activities
- Weekly Coaching
- Weekly Core Training
- Broadcast Live Online Each Week
- Recordings Available Online On Demand
- Learn more here (need a page for this under careers)
Marketing & Branding
Align Right Realty International Corp is dedicated to making marketing easy for our Brokers and Agents. We employ a full time graphic design team that is available to Brokers and Agents for template creation, website assistance, event marketing, and online tech support as needed. We also provide amazing technology tools to all ARR associates on a corporate level to make branding easy whether in print, social media, online presence, or an agent's personal brand within a brand.Recruiting & Retention
Recruiting must be the office owner's # 1 priority in the real estate industry. The secrets to gainful recruiting and retention are hard to elucidate in the real estate industry; there isn't much training available to the independent broker, and it takes a long time to perfect the craft via personal trial and error. At Align Right Realty, we have developed our recruiting tactics as a science, and we train our franchisees, brokers, and recruiters to be masters at their craft. We present an amazing offering to agents, and we deliver what we promise so agents have no reason to leave.
Franchise support is a crucial element of our franchise offering; our commitment to our franchisees is to only employ franchise support staff who are experienced working in an actual Align Right Realty Brokerage, and who are therefore familiar with how each system we use works together for the benefit of the brokerage. Our support team has first hand knowledge of what our franchisees are experiencing in their brokerages on a daily basis, and have experience using the software and checklists that run an office in a practical setting because they start as brokerage employees and only graduate to franchise support once they have the necessary level of practical experience and understanding of the overall brokerage mechanism.
Head of franchise support and available to franchisees outside of normal business hours is our COO, Amber Loewy, who will personally train with any franchisee and administrator; She works with our franchisees and their administrative staff individually at the time of initial franchise setup and onboarding, as new staff is hired, and Amber is on call for ongoing assistance throughout the lifetime of the franchise office.
ARR Annual Convention

- Attend the All-Inclusive Event of the Year and Revitalize Your Career
- 3 Days of Impactful Speakers
- 3 Nights of Amazing Parties
- Awards Ceremony
- Hotel Included
- Meals Included
Recruiting Events
For new Franchises, Johnny Loewy personally attends and speaks Brand Conversion, Soft Opening, and Grand Opening training events to present the Align Right Realty offering to agents in attendance. Thereafter, ARR International Corp helps each Franchisee to host a recruiting event once a quarter, whether individually or in partnership with other nearby ARR offices. The corporate office consults on location selection, guest speakers, sponsor partner acquisition, and presentation content. While the franchisee is required to participate in event marketing, ARRIC will assist with event marketing setup and execution to include event preview video, Eventbrite, email campaigns, social media campaigns, print flyer, and list generation/scripting for text message and voice mail drop campaigns.
State Conventions
Align Right Realty International Corp exhibits at several REALTOR® conventions each year. We strongly encourage Franchisees and their recruiting team to participate in the exhibition booth at any conventions that are open to agents working within a Franchisee's particular marketplace. ARRIC will provide exhibitor badges for any ARR Associates who wish to attend, and will provide training on how to work a trade show booth to maximize recruiting and brand recognition efforts.
- Monthly Family Fun Nights
- Bowling, Top Golf, Billiards, Comedy Shows, etc...
- Monthly Sales Meetings
- Quarterly Leaders Award Luncheons
- New Agent Welcome Luncheons/Dinners
- Annual Convention
- Annual Agent Appreciation Party
- Annual Picnic
- Annual Holiday Party
- Regional Meetings
- Quarterly Training Events
This website and the franchise sales information on this site do not constitute an offer to sell a franchise. The offer of a franchise can be made only through the delivery of an FDD. Certain states require that we register the FDD in those states. The communications on this website are not directed by us to the residents of any of those states. Moreover, we will not offer or sell franchises in those states until we have registered the franchise (or obtained an applicable exemption from registration) and delivered the FDD to the prospective franchisee in compliance with applicable law.